Frequently Asked Questions
Please feel free to reach out for any questions whatsoever about programs, support, training or any other facet of Bridgehaven Mental Health Services.
Below are a few questions we field often to help you.
Click each item to see answer
Is Bridgehaven a residential facility?
No. Our services are provided on an outpatient basis. Our members live in the community.
How can I receive services at Bridgehaven?
Contact David M. Sisk, LCSW, our Admissions Referral Coordinator, at 502-585-9444, ext. 460, or via cell phone/voice mail at 502-807-6500.
How do I make a donation and is it tax-deductible?
Your donations are tax deductible. You can make a payment by sending it (P.O. Box 950270, Louisville, KY 40295) or clicking here. If you need assistance, we would be happy to help you. Our number is 502-585-9462.
How often do individuals attend Bridgehaven?
Individuals attending Bridgehaven are assigned a clinician who assists them in developing an individualized Rehabilitation and Recovery plan. The individual’s needs and preferences will decide how many days a week and the hours they will attend. Individuals are expected to establish a regular schedule of group therapy, peer support, therapeutic rehabilitation services and individual therapy.
How do individuals travel to Bridgehaven?
Individuals may use their own automobile, public transportation (TARC or TARC 3 if they qualify) and/or family and friends. Individuals with Medicaid may qualify for taxi services through Medicaid transportation.
How does Bridgehaven work with other mental health services and community resources for persons with severe and persistent mental illness?
Bridgehaven works collaboratively with other community providers. Clinicians will refer to and/or coordinate with psychiatrists, case managers, residential programs, primary care physicians, and other providers to ensure continuity of care for individuals. Clinicians will also refer and support individuals in identifying and utilizing appropriate community resources including public assistance programs, transportation, and leisure activities.
Does Bridgehaven provide medication management?
Yes! We have a prescriber on site at least one day a week who can help members find the optimal benefit from their medication. We offer illness management groups to help members understand the purpose and side effects of their medication.
What kinds of insurance or payment do you accept?
Unfortunately, at this time the only payer source for our services is Kentucky Medicaid. However, we do have some grant funding to serve those who are homeless without Medicaid and who have a case manager. Individuals or families may also pay out of pocket for our services at a rate determined by the agency’s cost. We are always seeking grant funding to cover the cost of populations needing our services, so please speak with David M. Sisk, LCSW, Admissions Referral Coordinator for more information about payment. Some private insurance may partially cover the cost of services. We will check your insurance coverage for you.